The Nostos of Peratae Bogomil – Part Six: The sands of the Kali’n’ago

Before I could study the

matriculation in front of me

a discordant sound emerged:

harried shouts accompanied

an outpouring of Kali’n’ago

from smaller side tunnels

to the widest in this chamber

I followed the commotion

away from the tree and pond

and was soon surrounded

by scores of my hosts;

it was clear they were both

escort and protection

as the unmistakable sounds

of violence ricocheted from

up and around the curving walls.

Their mass carried me along

like a leaf riding a stream

but failed to reach the gentle shore

they were seeking

when battle fell around us.

The opposition was impossible

for me to distinguish from

my protection and within the tight walls

there was no room for me to

draw my blade.

I could do little more

than watch as one by one

my escort fell

to the cudgels of the foe.

I was soon surrounded

by a new escort and they

roughly pushed me upwards and along

until we were disgorged from the

warren. When the group

thrust me onto the windswept

sands, a violet cry

of jubilation arose from

all around me.

I was their intended prize

and the victory was won,

I was immediately placed inside a cage

built atop a sleigh and

yolked to a dozen Kali’n’ago.

As our retinue made its way

with the wind into the gloom

I saw a detail laden with

the still bodies of the fallen


onto the sand and buried

only slightly, so

their mounded bodies imitated

the smallest of the looming dunes;

in a flash I intuited

the bluish white sand was

not sand at all

but the granular remains of

generation after generation of

Kali’n’ago that came before, ground

by the ceaseless wind

and the traveling feet of those that persist

into powder bluish white,

fit for an hourglass.

As we trod on

the dark wind upon our backs

clusters of my captors

came to gawk and jeer

some few made attempt to force a squawk

by pulling out a feather

and dancing about my cage;

or tossing handfuls of the dead into my face –

mock on, mock on

for well I know

when you throw sand

against the wind

the wind only blows it back again.

A solid day we sailed on the sands

until, squatting on the short horizon

loomed a solid darkness

a grand steppe with a steep incline

a prominent promontory winding upwards into

the gloom and leering ominous.

With quiet desperation I cast back

upon all that I had seen:

the sands of the Kali’n’ago is the water in which they swim

a fish hanging in the air it’s mouth upon a berry

a feather traded for a net and they with the better exchange –

my conviction that they

knew not the ways of


as we ascended that upwards path

My thoughts returned to Beauty’s tower

and the riddle of the drowsy sword

and I thought…

that they did indeed

know the ways of civilization

and it was I

by my very presence

carrying Ignorance not only upon my back but

in a vast miasmic cloud

and with a pale cast of thought

it occurred to me

that my blade was no help

to me at all among them

and when I held Beauty’s blade

against Pride’s throat

and read the word inscribed there

I never saw what might

be inscribed upon the

obverse side


I pulled the blade from

its tower and saw again ACQUISITION

engraved along its length

with trembling hand I flipped it over:

THYSELF was there inscribed.

My laughter was a bark both forceful and loud,

I stood proud in my cage

and made myself known.

The blade in my hand

now a lightning bolt crackling from its hilt

the bars of my cage blew asunder

with an explosive thunderclap;

this was no mere sword of knowledge

but the sword of Socrates and

such a sword remains with one until

their dying day.

The Kali’n’ago who took me

fell back in stunned silence,

pieces of shatter’d cage all ’round

their faces mute and dim;

I extended both my wings and

strode sword in hand into their assemblage

carrying onwards and upwards

toward our destination

their captive, now on point –

they followed me

to the top of that roaring steppe

to the spot where they thought

to sacrifice

and to where I

knew I had to be

the steppe was high, wide and flat

as the Kali’n’ago took up a joyful singing

they moved in rhythmic dance.

Their faces shone with banded light

and their voices raised in harmonious music

I danced with them, weaving my way to the very

center of the throng,

my wings extended wide

their banded faces glowing free

they each removed a single

feather as we wove together in melodic step

leaving me two denuded wings.

As their voices reached crescendo

I cut the barren wings deftly from my back:

I am not a fallen angel

or a plucked fowl

but a risen ape

and as I

tilted back my

head and swallowed my own blade

the glowing Kali’n’ago, singing, and dancing at their brightest

let loose all their feathers

into the ceaseless wind

each a bird in flight

in one direction

and the wind


Author: Daniel Hero

A bit of this, a touch of that, hither, thither, here and there; look for me everywhere. Especially on

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