Two days and waiting

67 million Americans. *

That’s how many people voted for the end of our grand experiment. Just four years ago, the thought that so many of my fellow citizens could be bamboozled by a third rate carnival barker made me double over in dismay.

Not this time. I knew there would be support for him but I did not think there would be 67 million* souls in this country that would vote for this catastrophe of a human being. I was prepared for it but the dismay remains.

Now begins the hard work of either obviating their numbers or deprogramming them, one knotted up psyche at a time. It’s tempting to focus on the latter and wash one’s hands of the former but I think it unlikely we can effectively or wisely ignore them.

What this country desperately needs is a frontier. A place the disaffected can go and start over. The irony of course is that there are no more frontiers left on this planet where a disaffected soul can readily start over again. I believe the technology exists for seasteading and I’m sure there would be many who would sign up for a moon colony – but these things are years away and in the meantime we will have to find a way to live with each other.

I mentioned in my previous entry a feeling of contentment, given these last few days, that feeling has evolved – I am not anxious per se, but I am aware I am not as detached about the outcome as I’ve striven to be, the stakes are simply too high to rise fully above. So much damage has been done the obvious next steps are enough to draw a weary sigh from those whose job it will be to clean it up.

It looks like sanity will prevail but only just, and not without a legal fight. I am encouraged that no acts of violence have been reported, hopefully this will remain the case.

How does one deprogram 67 million* people?

I don’t know but I suspect Fox News will have to be included in any solution.

And perhaps a whole lot of cannabis.

For both of us.

(* Updated to over 70 million)